Beat the Heat: Preparing Your Nashville Home for a Cool Summer

Summer in Nashville can bring sweltering heat, but with the right preparations, you can keep your home cool and comfortable throughout the season. Here are some tips to help you beat the heat and stay cool this summer:

Seal Leaks and Insulate: Check windows, doors, and other openings for leaks and seal them to prevent cool air from escaping and hot air from entering. Proper insulation can also help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.

Use Ceiling Fans: Seems obvious, but ceiling fans can help circulate air and create a breeze, making your home feel cooler without having to lower the thermostat.

Install a Programmable Thermostat: A programmable thermostat allows you to set different temperatures for different times of the day, ensuring that your home is comfortably cool when you need it to be without wasting energy (or money) when you're away.

Shade Your Windows: Use curtains (there are some great black-outs on the market), blinds, or shades to block out the sun's rays during the hottest parts of the day. This can help reduce heat gain and keep your home cooler.

Maintain Your HVAC System: Make sure your air conditioning system is in good working condition by scheduling regular maintenance. I know all the realtor Facebook reminders about replacing your air filters get old, but it’s key to clean or replace them, as recommended, to ensure efficient operation.

Reduce Heat-Generating Activities: Avoid using heat-generating appliances like ovens and dryers during the hottest parts of the day. Consider grilling outdoors (this is where upgrading your outdoor space can really come in handy) or air-drying clothes instead.

Stay Hydrated: Keep yourself and your family hydrated to help regulate body temperature and stay cool, especially during heatwaves.

By following these simple tips, you can create a more comfortable living environment and beat the heat this summer in Nashville. Stay cool and enjoy the season!

It may be too late to have your perfect home construction project done by summer 2024, but starting now could leave you in good shape going into next summer. Give BuildCo7 a call today at 615.891.2398 or fill out our contact form to get the jump on your next project.


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